
James Cameron is most known for directing the movie Titanic.  Since the 1997 dramatic film Titanic was a huge success it has brought fame and fortune to James Cameron.  Cameron was born in Canada, Kapuskasing, Ontario.  He was a skilled artist that frequently went to visit the Royal Ontario Museum by bus to sketch paintings.  All of the paintings that were drawn in the movie Titanic, specifically the one of Rose Bukater that Jack Dawson’s character had drawn are one of the many paintings Cameron drew for the movie.

The historical sequences of the RMS Titanic were meant to serve as a backdrop throughout the movie Titanic with the main focus on the fictional characters Jack Dawson and Rose Bukater.

On September of 1995 James Cameron began filming his dives to the Titanic wreck site far below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.  Cameron and his crew went on twelve different high risks submersibles to the Atlantic floor in 1995 and brought back wrenching footage of the real Titanic wreckage.  Each dive may have lasted anywhere between fifteen to seventeen hours (Schultz).  Different conditions prevented the crew from getting the high quality of footage he wanted.  To accommodate for poor quality about forty million dollars was spent on special effects alone (Schultz).

The main filming of the Titanic began on September 18th 1996.  The set they used for Titanic was nine tenths the size of the original and included the largest water tank ever constructed for a film; holding seventeen million gallons of water.  Scenes that included the whole set were put off because the set took so long to create.  Several random scenes throughout the movie were shot in order to accommodate for the time lost creating the huge set for the movie.

When Titanic was all said and done it grossed over one billion over the first three months.  This phenomenal amount had never been heard of before.  The movie stayed consistently as the top grossing film for sixteen weeks straight.  The two hundred million James Cameron had spent on the movie Titanic definitely paid off.