The Sinking of the Titanic

On that cold April night that the Titanic went down, many people did not believe that the “unsinkable” Titanic was never going to end its maiden voyage. The night began as any other normal night. The crewmen in the crows’ nest were on the lookout for icebergs and any other ships that were on Titanic’s course. Despite several warnings from other ships, Titanic decided to continue as full speed toward New York. Little did they know that an iceberg stood in their way of completing that task.  According to David Parry and David Rowlands, “the absence of light from the fateful iceberg made its presence known. At 11:40PM, Lookout Frederick Fleet in the crows nest spotted an object looming up darker than the sky” (Parry).             The impact created open gaps in the hull of the ship. This allowed water to enter the ship, thus starting this whole fiasco. The lack of lifeboats proved fatal to most of the passengers on the Titanic. Lifeboats were only available to women and children first. Only a few lucky men survived on the lifeboats.             WebTitanic has a wonderful stage of events during the accident. “Stage 1
After the iceberg hit, the Titanic began to take on water in her first five compartments. Stage 2
As the five compartments filled, the next compartment began to fill also. As the compartments filled, the Titanic's bow began to sink. Stage 3
After the first compartments filled, the next ones did. Then the next, and the next. The stern of the ship began to rise and the bow started to sink more. Stage 4
As the stern rose, the angle became so steep, that all moving objects on the ship began to crash towards the bow. Stage 5
Pretty soon, the lights flickered, and then totally went off. Leaving everyone on the ship, and in the lifeboats, with total darkness. Stage 6
As the stern rose, it stood almost to a 90 degree angle. People on the ship grabbed for anything to hang on to. Stage 7
With the stern in the air, a weak spot developed between the third and fourth smoke stack, which caused the stern of the ship to break off. Stage 8
After breaking off, the stern rested in the water in the normal position. Stage 9
After about a minute, the stern was over taken by water, and slipped into the sea” (Sinking of Titanic). The next morning a ship called Carpathia rescued close to 700 Titanic survivors.