A Night to Remember

A Night to Remember was one of the first docudramas that dealt with the Titanic disaster.  The movie is strictly a docudrama of the historical event Titanic.  The movie was filmed in the United Kingdom and was directed by Roy Ward Bake but produced.  Baker was born in London on December 9th of 1916.  Baker was an English film director and also served in the army during World War II.  The film was produced by William MacQuitty. 

A Night to Remember depicts the ship’s final hours in the same sequence of Walter Lord’s book A Night to Remember.  The story of A Night to Remember is told from the view point of the passengers and crew members.   The movie stars Kenneth More, Ronald Allen, Robert Ayres and Honor Blackman.  One of the essential main character focuses in the movie is Charles Lightoller played by Kenneth More.  Charles Ligtoller is the character depicted as the second principal officer on the Titanic.  During the filming of the movie, there was no tank big enough to portray the sinking of the ship at Pinewood Studios, so the crew members had to use an open air swimming bath at Ruislip Lido at 2’o clock on an icy November morning.  Some of the crew members refused to jump in the freezing water, so Kenneth More claimed he had to set the example by jumping in first.  After making the jump, More claimed “he had never experienced such cold in his life, it was like jumping in a deep freeze”, he says.  Because of the freezing temperatures the filming of the Titanic ship sinking was delayed.

The classic 1958 film A Night to Remember has been regarded as the most accurate portrayal of the Titanic by many historians and critics.  It has also been said by many critics that the docudrama has been the most accurate at portraying social realism or the differences between social classes than any other movie about the Titanic.  A Night to Remember was made on a budget of approximately 1.7 million dollars.   The movie was released on July 1st of 1958 in the United Kingdom.  The original movie A Night to Remember was not released in the United States until December 16, 1958.