Titanic During the Maiden Voyage

Most people can depict the launching of the Titanic during the movie Titanic. During the movie Jack is seen playing cards trying to win some money and ends up winning two tickets for the Titanic. He is seen running to the ship right before it leaves the dock. What most people don’t realize is that Titanic left from three different ports. According to the website Titanic ‘s Legacy on WebTitanic, on “April 10th at 11:30 AM, Titanic left Southampton in England. At 8:10PM Titanic leaves Cherbourg France. On April 11th at 1:30PM Titanic leaves Queenstown for New York” (Titanic’s Legacy). In the movie, Titanic, the ship is being seen leaving from Southampton.

            Captain Edward James Smith set out the Titanic for New York. “Captain Edward James Smith was a noble White Star seaman for 38 years,” according to Titanic’s Maiden Voyage (Titanic’s Maiden Voyage). White Star made sure a highly dedicated and experienced captain was navigating their largest ship ever. Something else that people may not be familiar with is that Titanic almost hit tugboat. Titanic’s Maiden Voyage states, “The captain went to the port bridge wing to see what was happening with the ship. It was slowing down. He walked to the edge in time to see a ship moving toward the stern of his ship at a very fast rate. He was bewildered, he gathered his senses and ordered a touch ahead on the port wing propeller and it washed the other ship away” (Titanic’s Maiden Voyage). This shipwreck could have been as devastating as the iceberg that Titanic later hit.